A curious polar bear checks out my camera trap on the shores of Svalbard, Norway and takes his own portrait.
A large male polar bear feeds on the ribs of a bearded seal.
Two polar bears box on the sea ice as a storm looms in the background.
Polar bears are great swimmers, yet without sea ice they cannot jump from floe to floe to hunt.
A young polar bear walks across Somerset Island in search of sea ice.
A mother polar bear waits for a chance to catch a seal.
Every year the sea ice forms later in the fall and melts earlier in the spring, leaving bears stranded on land for longer periods of time.
Polar bears have keen senses, always listening, smelling and keeping an eye out for acute changes in their environment.
Polar bears box it out during a blizzard in the Canadian Arctic.
A mother polar bear and her two-year-old cub stranded on a small iceberg in Hudson Strait, Nunavut, Canada.
A young bear carefully navigates a disintegrating ice pack.
A massive male polar bear sports a fresh battle wound on his face from fighting with another male for the right to breed.
The surrounding mountains dwarf a large, male polar bear.
I have always been able to find bears roaming around on sea ice throughout the summer. On this occasion however, we didn't find any sea ice and we never found any bears alive.