An orca pushes the herring ball into the shallows, where the entire pod can feed.

Like a well-choreographed ballet, a pod uses carefully coordinated hunting tactics to round up and consume as much fish as they possibly can.

A large male orca attempts to push and corral a large school of herring in the fjords of northern Norway in the heart of the winter.

A pod of orcas control the movement of a school of herring as they pick off one fish at a time.

As quickly as they appeared, they were gone back into the inky black waters of Norway.

Orcas chase a bait ball of herring in Norway.

A large group of orcas working as a cohesive family unit, steering, corralling and directing a school of herring in order to feed.

An orca moments before it break the surface.

As a wave breaks, releasing its energy into a foam pile on the open sea, a large male orca appears out of the bubbles.

A lone orca male takes a quick breath before returning to the herring feeding frenzy below.

Orcas come to the fjords surrounding Lofoten in Norway, to feed on the abundant herring.

A large male orca comes in for close inspection.