Previous View All Next Icy Realm Aerials over the Kluane Ice fields.A pod of narwhals travel through a fractured seascape. One river becomes hundreds of smaller streams as it drains out of Kluane National Park. Greenland hunters and their dog teams gather at the ice edge to wait for walrus. A massive tabular iceberg near the Antarctic Peninsula. As the sun returns to the Arctic after dark winter, rich light bounces off the mountaintops. The blue hues penetrate through the depths of the cold, crystal clear waters of Antarctic Sound. p066A lone bear travels along the constantly changing floe edge. Waves and currents erode an iceberg through time. As sea ice melts, the water turns a darker shade of blue, which grabs more of the sun's energy, thus accelerating the melting process. Here, the water drains down a seal hole. Bubbles form under the sea ice as winter turns into spring. .Gentoo penguins rest on the foot of a grounded iceberg.